
ZAKK WYLDE On Playing With PANTERA: 'I'm Really Happy People Can Still Hear VINNIE PAUL And DIMEBAG's Greatness'

ZAKK WYLDE On Playing With PANTERA: 'I'm Really Happy People Can Still Hear VINNIE PAUL And DIMEBAG's Greatness'

ZAKK WYLDE On Playing With PANTERA: 'I'm Really Happy People Can Still Hear VINNIE PAUL And DIMEBAG's Greatness'

In a new interview with The News-Herald, Zakk Wylde touched upon his ongoing involvement with the reformed PANTERA. He said: “The PANTERA thing is beautiful every night. I’m really happy the fellas put it together so people can still hear [late PANTERA members] Vinnie [Paul Abbott] and Dime’s [‘Dime…
ZAKK WYLDE On Playing With PANTERA: 'I'm Really Happy People Can Still Hear VINNIE PAUL And DIMEBAG's Greatness'
Source: News-BM


December 26th, 2023

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