Full Blown Electric – Just Another Day
Band: Full Blown Electric
Song Review: Just Another Day
Band Members:
Kenny Kayden
J.L. Ryan
Bobby Dean
Mag Roberts
Record Label: Squib Kick Records
Overall Impression:
With an opening guitar riff flashing you back to the classic rock vibe of the 70s the track will captivate you right from jump. They give us a mix of glam rock tones, 70’s classic rock infusions and some blues undertones. Vocals are very clear and you can follow them and the story line. It is so nice to be able to understand every word in a song to be honest. How can you understand the story if you don’t understand the words right? Only thing I would have liked to hear is maybe a real flash back to some glam rock with a high pitched note in there. I am not talking Mark Slaughter Fly To The Angels it just saying give the song more of a vocal dynamic/octave even if just for a minute. Now keep in mind that I was born in 77 and grew up in the 80’s so I love me some hair/glam metal. This song has that feel. Its a good feeling. Brings you back to such a happier time in music.
I am 1 person giving my 1 opinion on tracks/records and some may agree some may disagree. That is the beauty of any piece of art, each person sees it different. When it comes down to it I am in radio and I am NOT a journalist nor do I pretend to play one on TV so please no grammar police etc.
Kristin Kupiec
September 12th, 2017
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